Few testimonies
Some of the participants of Bob’s group meetings are free from psychological suffering, “beyond the need for further help” – as Nisargadatta would have put it, their search has ended. They still show up – out of love and gratitude for Bob as well as to help those who think, they are not That yet.
Here is what they have to say about Bob:
“I met Sailor Bob in 1984. After investigating many different paths, Sailor Bob gave me a copy of ‘I Am That’ and I started to talk to him regularly, one to one, and also attended his early groups. His pointers revealed I had been in bondage to a phantom. I read ‘I Am That’ many times and listened earnestly to Bob’s talks and consistently attended his groups. The understanding that was passed on was totally transformational. Words are extremely inadequate to express the gratitude and total love I feel towards Sailor Bob, my teacher and true friend.”
'I first went to Bob's group in 2000. Several of the people there mercilesly wounded me and my intellectual arrogance was wounded. But I knew I was onto something, and what followed was transformation after transformation. My whole world crumbled. Bob showed me and that "I" and "me" are simply words, like "fish" and "catapult", that is just as important and meaningful as any other word. Self collapsed, "my life" collapesed, and any beliefs in doership evaporated. I am that I am and that's all. Thank you Bob for saving my life and setting me free'.